الاثنين، 28 مارس 2011

وكان لي الشرف

نصب الضحايا الارمن

كنت قبل شهر مترجلا في شوارع باريس عندما رأيت نصبا تذكاريا للضحايا الارمن المسيحيين في المذابح التي ارتكبها العثمانيين.
حاولت البحث عن محل قريب لأشتري زهرة أضعها امام ذلك النصب.
وتذكرت في ذلك الوقت اني لم اسمع عن تلك المذابح وأنا صغير، بخلاف مذابح البوسنة والهرسك والفلسطينيين العزل.
تذكرت ايضا الهلوكوست واحاديث انكارها واعتبارها من خيال اصحابها.
تذكرت تجنب كتابة كلمة شهداء من البعض في نعي حادث القديسين.
جميعهم شهداء الانسانية بأكملها،هي من منحتهم ذلك اللقب، لا ينتظرون من احد تلك المنحة.
رأيت ايضا سماح الحكومة الفرنسية للمسلمين بالصلاة في الشارع حتى تبني لهم ما يكفي من مساجد.
شعوري بالغيرة من اصحاب هذه البلد على تحضرها بدأ يزداد.

حتى ظهر في طريقي مزارا تذكاريا لضحايا الهلوكوست الفرنسيين.
فقررت ان اضع زهرة اخرى عند شهداء الكراهية والعنصرية من اليهود.

وكــــان لي الشرف.

الثلاثاء، 15 مارس 2011

Uprising Diary 2

Radical Islam

I think I can divide them into 2 main political movements

Muslim Brotherhood that founded by Hassan el Banna in 1928 which members were involved into politics since the era of the King until now.
they were accused of assassinations and bombers before the prime minister made it illegal , so he became one of their victims.

after that they left the violence beginning to be a rival to the ruler corrupted party.
You can find them everywhere , well organized , making social, political activities ... everything.

They are really politicians. when I talk to my mates from this Brotherhood - I am christian - you feel they are liberals calling for a secular regime with an Islamic background. I feel they only want to win my support.

But another something is clear I think. Every problem I say to them , they always talk about a punishment.

I can't know their latent thoughts but I think their leaders believe in the principles of Machiavelli besides Islam ,or this brotherhood contains different political theories and thoughts having rightists more extreme than the others.... may be.

The Salafists

salafist means radical .

This movement was always existing. they have the same ideology of al Qaeda. they assassinated president Sadat in 1981 , committed crimes by many terrorist groups in eighties and nineties of the last century in Egypt against Christians and tourists.

That's right they left the violence now - or until now - but they're clearly racists. they put posters encourage Muslims not to say " happy easter " to Christians for it's a congratulations to them for being unbelievers in Islam .

In their posters they call the Christians , Liberals , leftists as our enemy and I think that's a very dangerous particularly they don't believe in democracy , only the law of GOD. so their political choices come from mosques with clearly racist demagogic speech.

So those salafists are very dangerous to the democracy we struggled to reach.

for example they have no problem with dictators-maker constitution only for article 2 that
tipulates that Islam is the religion of the state and that Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation , thats their only reason!!

Those radical movements are putting the Christians with the liberals , the leftists in the opposite side making a sectarian political scene I'm afraid to see.

Some famous bloggers talked about an attempt from the army to make the radical Islamists the reason to rule the country and save us .... may be

let's wait & see.

الأربعاء، 9 مارس 2011

Uprising Diary 1

Face of the famous Lebanese singer Fayrouz
3 of her songs make sense now
"earth is yours","Egypt is back","God is great"

Alexandria walls

When the captain said "welcome, we're landing in Cairo airport now" I couldn't hide longing to see the new Egypt and the new Egyptians after January 25th , comparing the way of living and treating after and before that historic day especially to compare between the media and the reality.

I am not a journalist or working for any kind of media which means I don't have agenda or be paid for what I am typing here.Thanks to Blogger.com . This is a kind of diary wrote to express my -may be useless- point of view about all whats happening here as an Egyptian , Liberal , Christian and that's all.

feminists protest

I'm Egyptian .. I'm Revolutionary

First of all I want to illuminate something. My generation was accused of not belonging enough to Egypt by the elder generations. they blame us for living virtual life on the internet using virtual social networks , listening Jazz , Pop , Rock , Hiphop , Rap and other kinds of western music.Western Artists are beloved more. They said the Globalization is an imperial plan to make the youth negative. Now, my father respects me more. Now, he's asking me about my opinion in everything, thanks to the internet.

Khalid Saeed
icon of the uprising

cartoon for carlos latuff showing Kalid Saeed
and Mubarak

May God bless KHALID SAEED's soul the victim of torture by the police that a group asking for his right became one of the factors making the uprising.

thanks to the internet on walls

I think the internet may make the role of the Greek knowledge that the Italians used before to get back their glory which begins "The Renaissance".

the painters

Remarks on the first day in Alexandria streets after the uprising in January 27th

I think that all the sidewalks in the city are painted by youth which was not very common in Mubaraks era. Youth who called themselves as " January 25th youth" did all of this. they are painting , cleaning the streets , decorate everywhere with the colors of the Egyptian flag. Clearly remarked too that the moral of everyone in the street has risen to a very high standard. I criticized before the isolation between the rich and the poor people , now everybody regardless to his level was working in the street which I can consider a victory for the uprising.

General Batraan martyred during preventing the
prisoners to outflow

About the moral of the people. a quotation from "Description de l'Egypte" ,volume I ,chapter 3 , (6)

"Egyptian is shy by nature, he avoids the danger as much as he can. But when he finds himself in risk- in spite of his care - he shows mettle you think at the beginning he hasn't, and there is nothing equal to his composure at the same time complacency.

This proves what we have already said before that the reform of the regime will happen very easily, and that people will get back all the virtues which they lost, even they do not think it's latent in . It will awaken each feelings of nobility, ambition and greatness of spirit that hung by those satanic regimes they suffered from."

BUT I believe the moral , all kinds of good principles collapse before the feeling of hunger or need . SO we have to start the hard work urgently to build our economy and help poor people in parallel.

About the negative side, the streets become not safe anymore, for the people expressed their anger from the violence that causes a lot of victims by burning the police stations down , so all the police men took off their official uniform and stayed home.
that's right the police like any other foundation is corrupted , but for me I'm totally against any kind of violence .

So dozens of bullies spread all over the country making horrible unsafe nights and a lot of stores, people, foundations were stolen. some says that's a plan from the men of Mubarak to revenge ... maybe.

A lot of news - may be rumors - about killing , kidnapping , robs , rapes by criminals working free of police." Stay home to stay safe " was the warning, specially for girls.

Metro station "Mubarak" changed to "Martyrs"

Gardens , Streets , Libraries , Stations , foundations that held the name of Mubarak had had another name like "Martyrs" , "revolution ".... etc.

public foundations , companies , newspapers turned into a small Egypt after the step down of Mubarak. The workers and clerks fired their chiefs accusing them of corruption and taking illegal commissions including the company my mother working for.

.... to be continued

الثلاثاء، 1 مارس 2011


ما ان يجلس الشخص على الكرسي ، يخيل له انهم يعبدونه ، فيبدأ في وضع مصر في خانة المضاف ، في حين انه جالس على كرسي المضاف اليه . فيتغير المضاف اليه وتبقى مصر مضافا ، من مصر رمسيس ، مرورا بمصر محمد علي ، لمصر فاروق ، لمصر ناصر ، لمصر السادات ، وصولا لمصر مبارك. ويكون كل شيء على وجه المضاف منسوبا للمضاف اليه فيتحكم فيه بذراع تحكم هو الاقدم في التاريخ. وكل منتفع هو من استطاع ان يضع نفسه مع المضاف اليه في جملة مفيدة ، متملق للمضاف اليه ، قريب للمضاف اليه .. الخ .فيما تبقى كلمة شعب كأنما ليس لها محل من الإعراب ، في حين انها تقع في باقي الجمل بصفحة العالم في موقع الفاعل . وظل الشعب في جملتنا يتابع متحسرا الشعب في باقي الجمل . حتى سأم من التجاهل وقرر ان يأخذ الريادة مثلما فعلت باقي الكلمات التي تحمل اسم شعب حولنا .
خرج الشعب صارخا وواضعا نفسه في موقع الفاعل بجملة جديدة كونها بنفسه " الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام " وعلى رأسه المضاف اليه و تكوين جملة جديدة ليكون الشعب في موضع الفاعل وكان له ما اراد ونحن الآن في فترة تكوين الجملة .. المفيدة حقا.

مصر كانت للشخص واعوانه الآن لابد ان تكون للجميع للمسيحي والمسلم والبهائي واليهودي والملحد ، للبحراوي والصعيدي والسيناوي والنوبي وكل من يحبها ويجيلها من آخر الدنيا ، لابد ان تكون للجميع الحرية التامة ليتفرغ للأبداع، في حالة حجب اي شيء يفقد الانسان الاحترام لنفسه ويبدأ في التحول لعبء ، شرع الدولة هو الحاكم لأن شرع الدين اثبت فشله مرارا .

الأهم ان يعطي جميع الافراد مصر حقها و تكون وحدة المجتمع هي الفرد وليس الاسرة وتصبح الاخلاق عرفا وليس قانونا يضمنها تعليم جيد ليس كما ظلم جيلنا حتى بدأ يصنع الانترنت دورا شبيها بالعلوم والفنون الاغريقية مع الايطاليين عندما بحثوا عن استعادة امجاد الدولة الرومانية وكانت بداية عصر النهضة .

........... يا مسهل