Radical Islam
I think I can divide them into 2 main political movements
Muslim Brotherhood that founded by Hassan el Banna in 1928 which members were involved into politics since the era of the King until now.
they were accused of assassinations and bombers before the prime minister made it illegal , so he became one of their victims.
after that they left the violence beginning to be a rival to the ruler corrupted party.
You can find them everywhere , well organized , making social, political activities ... everything.
They are really politicians. when I talk to my mates from this Brotherhood - I am christian - you feel they are liberals calling for a secular regime with an Islamic background. I feel they only want to win my support.
But another something is clear I think. Every problem I say to them , they always talk about a punishment.
I can't know their latent thoughts but I think their leaders believe in the principles of Machiavelli besides Islam ,or this brotherhood contains different political theories and thoughts having rightists more extreme than the others.... may be.
The Salafists
salafist means radical .
This movement was always existing. they have the same ideology of al Qaeda. they assassinated president Sadat in 1981 , committed crimes by many terrorist groups in eighties and nineties of the last century in Egypt against Christians and tourists.
That's right they left the violence now - or until now - but they're clearly racists. they put posters encourage Muslims not to say " happy easter " to Christians for it's a congratulations to them for being unbelievers in Islam .
In their posters they call the Christians , Liberals , leftists as our enemy and I think that's a very dangerous particularly they don't believe in democracy , only the law of GOD. so their political choices come from mosques with clearly racist demagogic speech.
So those salafists are very dangerous to the democracy we struggled to reach.
for example they have no problem with dictators-maker constitution only for article 2 that tipulates that Islam is the religion of the state and that Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation , thats their only reason!!
Those radical movements are putting the Christians with the liberals , the leftists in the opposite side making a sectarian political scene I'm afraid to see.
Some famous bloggers talked about an attempt from the army to make the radical Islamists the reason to rule the country and save us .... may be
let's wait & see.